
EcoLatinos was born from our love for our Madre Tierra and our passion for the mission we share to care for the environment she gives us. EcoLatinos is committed to social and environmental justice and activism. We work to engage, educate, and activate the diverse communities of the Chesapeake Bay and the Mid-Atlantic Region. We support non-profit, private, and public organizations in the creation of meaningful connections with the grassroots in these underserved communities.

EcoLatinos nació de nuestra pasión por la protección del medio ambiente y el amor por nuestra comunidad Latina. Tenemos un compromiso con iniciativas basadas en justicia social y ambiental para todos, con un interés especial en las comunidades de habla Hispana y de bajos recursos. EcoLatinos trabaja para incluir, educar y activar las comunidades Latinas de la Bahía del Chesapeake y la región del Atlántico Medio. Apoyamos a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro, privadas y públicas creando enlaces con la más dinámica comunidad de protectores del medio ambiente.

Anacostia Riverkeeper logo
Anacostia Waterfront Trust logo
Arundel Rivers Federation logo
Build Prince George's logo
Catholic Charities logo
Chesapeake Bay Trust Logo
Lillie Leaf Solutions
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments logo
Prince George's County, Maryland
Prince George's Department of the Environment
Rock Creek Conservancy
Year of Anacostia
Water Words that Work logo

This website is under construction. We are transitioning from EcoLatinos, LLC to EcoLatinos Inc. Ecolatinos, Inc. is exempt from federal income tax under the Internal Revenue Code 501 (c) (3).

Festival del Rio Anacostia